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For an Informal Discussion on How the State’s Budget and Mandates Impact Your Local Property Taxes 
Also Learn How You Can Bring Transparency to Your Local Government

March 21 2013

From:  The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations
Contact:  Susan Kniep, President
Telephone: 860-841-8032



BREAKING: LIVE VERDICTS: Bell council members guilty of corruption

5 of 6 officials guilty in Bell, Calif., corruption case


State Offered Development Deal To Makers Of Gun Used In Newtown Massacre




Tax Burden Too High?  Concerned for Early Release Prison Program?  Check out the following ….. 






Also Learn How You Can Get Greater Transparency in Your Town of How Your Taxpayer Dollars are Spent

The Clinton Taxpayers Group Will Be Joining Us on March 23, to Discuss Issues in Their Town.  What are your issues?  Join us! Let’s Talk and Work to Reduce the Tax Burden in Connecticut, the Third Highest Property Taxed State in the Nation!

Dates: Saturday, March 23, 2013 and April 13, 2013

 Time: 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Location:  Wethersfield Library, 515 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT

RSVP/Questions: Susan Kniep 860-841-8032, email:


Check out below:  The State of Our State of our State is Not So Stately

If you wish a representative of the Federation to Speak at a Meeting in your Town or on a Cable Program contact





The following is a message from JR Romano,, State Director, Americans for Prosperity- Connecticut: Petition: I'm not a revenue source!  Can you join us this Friday, March 22,  at the Statehouse at 9:30AM as we release our “I’m Not a Revenue Source” petition! Had enough of the state government treating you as a revenue source – a nameless, faceless, unending supply of funds?!  We have your chance to let them know. It’s our money – let’s tell them to stop overspending it! Friday at 9:30AM in Hearing Room 2A of the Statehouse we will launch our “I’m Not a Revenue Source” petition! Families and individuals in the state are struggling and being forced to cut back, while the state government keeps growing. Don’t miss your chance to let state officials know the time to stop over-spending is now. I hope to see you Friday!




Senator Joe Markley and former Senator Len Suzio will be holding a press conference at 11am this Friday, March 22, prior to a Judiciary Committee hearing focused on shutting down the state's Early Release program.  Early Release has been responsible for letting out violent criminals and two murders have been attributed to Early Release criminals.  Press Conference is in Room 2A and the Early Release hearing is at 11:30am in room 2B. Click here to read Len's early release Op Ed.  SUBJECT MATTER: Risk Reduction, Department of Corrections, Racial Profiling and Miscellaneous *H.B. No. 6657 (RAISED) AN ACT CONCERNING SENTENCING AND RISK REDUCTION CREDITS. - *S.B. No. 123 (COMM) AN ACT REPEALING THE RISK REDUCTION CREDIT PROGRAM.   Email: Phone: (203)-530-1544





The Avon Taxpayers Association will host a public conversation with Gary Mala, Avon Superintendent of Schools

Thursday March 28th 7 pm at the Avon Public Library Community Room.
Flo Stahl - President, ATA - March 18, 2013






Salaries and Benefits Paid to State Employees in Fiscal Year 2012

Here we offer a sampling.  The State’s Transparency Website Notes we Paid 5.8 Billion Dollars for 92,456 State Employees Earning what some might consider Excessive Salaries and Benefits 
The Federation of - CT Taxpayer Organizations - March 4, 2013



To Learn More Visit …..


Pensions - Connecticut Transparency Website


Employee Compensation - Connecticut Transparency ...



Also From the Yankee Institute

525 $100k Pensions in 2012




State Government Has Grown Too Large – Check it out at …… 


Senator McKinney’s Budget Presentation in Stratford [PDF]




The State of our State is Not so Stately


From the Federation:  The 169 towns throughout Connecticut will be forced to dramatically increase property taxes if Governor Malloy shifts state aid away from municipal budgets while concurrently ending such programs as Pilot funding and prohibiting the collection of automobile taxes while providing no alternative resource.  His budget will push homeowners and businesses off the State’s own Fiscal Cliff  and into a cesspool of growing debt, deficits, and unsustainable public sector union contracts while he continues to march to the beat of the public sector unions as the self-proclaimed Son of Organized Labor.  Missing from the equation of the Governor’s budget, which has yet to be addressed by legislators, the news media, or municipal officials, is a frank and honest discussion of State mandates such as Binding Arbitration, Collective Bargaining and Prevailing Wage Laws.  Collectively these mandates are the primary drivers of state and local property taxes, 85% of which pay for the personnel related costs of Town and Board of Education employees. 

The Governor, in his last state budget, not only imposed the largest tax increase in State history of $1.5 billion, but also locked taxpayers into a 9% wage increase for State employees.  He also laid the golden goose of job security at their feet while Connecticut taxpayers continue to be thrust onto the unemployment line and homeowners lose their homes to Tax Lien Sales.

As the Governor proposes ending the collection of automobile taxes, he should immediately call for ending or reforming Collective Bargaining Laws and give the management of our towns and cities to those whom we elect to office.  Instead those management rights have been steadily chiseled away by arbiters in support of public sector unions as their wages, pensions and healthcare benefits have become unsustainable.  The State of our State must now be addressed in an effort to keep businesses from fleeing Connecticut and homeowners from losing their homes to property taxes they cannot afford to pay.  



RealClearMarkets - Is the SEC Letting States Get Away With Fraud?


By Steven Malanga  March 20, 2013 In its complaint against Illinois last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission offered about a dozen instances of how officials ‘misled' or failed to properly ‘disclose' information to potential investors about the worrying condition of the state's employee pension funds. Some of these lapses, like failing to tell investors that the state's basic plan to finance its pension system was inadequate in the first place, might strike the average investor as serious omissions. The SEC's complaint three years ago against New Jersey, the first state ever charged with fraud by the market regulator, seemed even more incriminating. There the SEC charged that officials committed a particularly big whopper: failing to tell investors that the state had justified a big benefits boost for workers in 2001 by valuing its pension funds as if it were still 1999, before the technology stock meltdown knocked billions of dollars off the pension system's assets. Continue reading at …..

