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Ebola, Wall Street deepen Dem gloom


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October 19, 2014  



From:  The Federation of Connecticut Taxpayer Organizations
Contact:  Susan Kniep, President
Telephone: 860-841-8032



Election 2014: Connecticut Governor: Foley (R) vs. Malloy (D) - Latest Numbers


Connecticut Governor: Foley (R) 50%, Malloy (D) 43%


Sunday, October 19, 2014  Rasmussen Report


Republican challenger Tom Foley still leads Democratic incumbent Dan Malloy in their Connecticut gubernatorial rematch as voters continue to grumble about the job Malloy has done over the past four years.


Foley now picks up 50% of the vote to Malloy’s 43% in a new statewide telephone survey of Likely Connecticut Voters. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate in the race, and four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


Continue reading at …..





Who is Paying the Highest Property Taxes



New Jersey is #1, Connecticut is #2!!!!!


All but two of the top 10 costliest states are in the Northeast


Read More at the following web link: 


See Who Pays the Highest (and Lowest) Property Taxes



New Jersey




New Hampshire


New York






Rhode Island














Daily Kos Elections 3Q 2014 House fundraising reports roundup



Quarterly fundraising reports for federal candidates, covering the period from July 1 to Sept. 30, were due at the Federal Elections Commission on Wednesday night. Below is our list of fundraising numbers for House candidates in all the key races, as well as a few contests where a candidate raised an unexpectedly high amount: Continue reading at ….






The New York Times: Holder decision on Benghazi case reverberates

By Michael S. Schmidt -  Oct 17, 2014

Other prosecutors in the Justice Department began quietly lobbying Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to take it over.  Continue reading at …..





Why Use Public Money To Finance Campaigns That Aren't 'Clean' Of Special Interest Money?


Jon Lender, Hartford Courant


In December 2005, the Democratic leaders of the state legislature exulted across party lines with then-Gov. M. Jodi Rell, a Republican, about how they had just made history – by approving a clean-elections law that included a system of public financing of political campaigns.   


Continue reading at …..






USA TODAY: Super-rich hedge funders race to help GOP take Senate

By Fredreka Schouten and Christopher Schnaars 4:04 p.m. EDT October 17, 201

A small band of ultra-wealthy hedge fund managers is pumping last-minute donations into newly organized super PACs to help tip the U.S. Senate to Republicans, new campaign filings show.   Read at






Read The Latest Results for Election 2014





Rasmussen Report:


What America Thinks: Election Update - Week of 10/17/14


Thirty-six U.S. Senate seats are on the ballot this November. Twenty-one of them are held by Democrats and 15 by Republicans. The GOP needs a net gain of six seats to take control of the Senate, and while Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa and Louisiana are all Toss-Ups in the Rasmussen Reports 2014 Senate Balance of Power rankings, they appear to be moving the Republicans' way. Continued at …..





Supreme Court rules Texas can enforce voter ID law


Rachel Huggins - 10/18/14 07:30 AM EDT


By a 6-3 vote in a rare Saturday morning order, the majority of justices rejected emergency appeals from the Justice Department and civil rights groups to prohibit requiring voters to produce certain forms of photo identification in order to cast ballots in the state.

Three justices, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan dissented from the decision to enforce stricter voter ID standards for the election, less than three weeks away.

“The greatest threat to public confidence in elections in this case is the prospect of enforcing a purposefully discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters,” Ginsburg wrote.

The high court’s move is a blow to civil rights advocates, marking the court’s fourth action on Republican-inspired restrictions on voting access in recent weeks. Continue reading at  …..





Ebola, Wall Street stock slide deepen '14 gloom for Dems


The Hill‎ - By Mike Lillis and Kevin Cirilli

The Democrats' midterm prospects took a beating this week as concerns over the Ebola virus and a jittery economy churned up countless grim headlines and darkened an already-dissatisfied national mood.

Republicans on Capitol Hill, who have long-charged the administration with mismanaging crises, have been quick to pounce on the ebola issue, saying President Obama's team has not been aggressive enough in the face of the threat.

Meanwhile, a plummeting stock market has hit the half of the adult population that owns shares directly, or through retirement accounts and other investment vehicles. The stock slide also undercuts the White House’s preferred narrative of an economy that is slowly but surely becoming stronger.

Read the article here.